Home About me Welcome!


by Tiffany

Welcome to tiffyouwereme!


I’m so excited to finally be starting my blog!

I’ve thought about doing this for quite awhile now, but always held myself back because I wasn’t sure what I should write about. What did I care about enough that I could continuously write about it on a blog? What did I believe in enough that I would be willing to throw myself into? 

Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud” -Maya Angelou

After some deep thinking I thought about the things in life that make me happy:

  • Family
  • Food
  • Travel
  • Looking Forward

Happiness is a virtue

I believe that to be happy is one of the most important aspects of life. As I have gotten older, although I’m no wise owl, making sure that I’m taking care of myself and those around me has been featured at the top of my to do list for awhile. 

It took awhile, but I am finally figuring out how to balance my life and include the things I love doing and the people I love being with as a part of my every day routine. Obviously not everyday is going to be perfect, but then again what is perfection.

Going vegan has made me focus a lot more on what I am putting into my body and acknowledge the environment around me on a deeper level. I also love to cook and bake, so why not show others that vegan  foods can be just as delicious while considering those cute little creatures that surround us. 

I also strongly believe in focusing on mental health. Giving attention to yourself doesn’t just stop at personal interests, but includes goal setting, physical health, and positive thinking. I have suffered from anxiety since I was in high school and I like to think I have learned a couple of tips along the way to show others how I like to approach feelings such as this. 

Mental health and wellness comes in many forms. These are just a few of my interests and ideas that I hope to build upon in order to create a space of tranquility and personal growth for everyone.  


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