Home Recipes Almond Tarts with Strawberry Jam

Almond Tarts with Strawberry Jam

by Tiffany

Back with another recipe for the blog!

Going for a sweet one this time around. What’s better is that this vegan tart is healthy and tasty.

So this recipe is something that I concocted after searching for vegan tart ideas. I was really just craving something sweet, and also something that would be fun to photograph. Currently I’m trying to eat less sweets and unhealthy carbs and there were so many recipes that just were not aligning with what I was looking for.

I would describe this recipe as being more of a raw dessert rather than a decadent one. It is definitely more on the healthy side if you are looking for something to satisfy your sweet tooth. Oh, and it gets the job done.

I opted for an almond crust instead of a shortbread one. Although the shortbread sounded delicious I’m honestly still not that great a vegan baking. Dealing with the almonds just seemed to be a little easier. Also, as I said before, this version is definitely more healthy.

The “jam” for this is actually really easy to make. You could actually use any berry that you want for this. I just happened to have frozen strawberries so I thawed those and used them. I use the word “jam” in quotes because it won’t seem like the jam you would buy in your grocery store, but definitely more natural. Just remember it is not jelly so it will thicken when you heat it in the saucepan, but it won’t ever become that consistency. It also doesn’t take long to make and you can do it while the tarts are baking in the oven.

I finished these off by adding some coconut and blueberries to some. Totally optional, but it makes them extra delicious.

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Almond Tart with Strawberry Jam
A healthy, tasty, dessert to satisfy your sweet-tooth.
Course Dessert
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Almond Crust
Strawberry Jam
Course Dessert
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Almond Crust
Strawberry Jam
Almond Crust
  1. Preheat oven to 350
  2. Grease cupcake pan with coconut oil and set aside
  3. Use a food processor to grind up the almonds
  4. In a bowl mix the ground almonds, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon
  5. In another bowl mix together the coconut oil, vanilla, maple syrup and water
  6. Pour the liquid mixture into the almond mixture and mix together (using your hands will be easier)
  7. Mixture should be wet enough, but if it seems too dry add in a bit more water until everything holds.
  8. Next fill the cupcake pan. I was able to get about six tarts out of this.
  9. Make sure that you are creating a firm base, but leaving enough room to put in the jam.
  10. Bake for 10-12 minutes until crust is slightly brown. Be careful not to burn. Let it sit and cool.
Strawberry Jam
  1. Blend the chia seeds and the strawberries together. You can add a little water if you need to, but it doesn’t have to be perfect
  2. Add to a saucepan on medium heat and stir until it seems to be the right consistency.
  3. If it is not sweet enough for you, you can always add maple syrup to your liking
  4. Once the jam has cooled go ahead and remove the almond tart crust from the pan and fill them with the jam
  5. I stored these in the fridge for safekeeping.

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